Monthly Archives: July 2012

Can I use beach sand in my slow sand water filter?

The answer to this question is no; with maybe a couple of exceptions; but these exceptions are rare cases that probably don’t apply to most situations. If the “beach” in question is a river bed where fresh, non polluted water … Continue reading

Posted in slow sand water filter study and construction | 6 Comments

Slow sand filter water testing

Water can be tested by using kits available from this source:  Micrology Laboratories. Their website has the information necessary to understand how to use the test kits. Tests can be done for E coli, Coliform, and Aeromonas bacteria. Their website has a … Continue reading

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Slow sand water filter news

Here is some interesting information about slow sand filtration and rainwater harvesting: A study documented by the University of Cincinnati has shown that the Mayan civilization knew about using sand for water filtration. In Washington state, King county officials have … Continue reading

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Slow sand filter construction: a brief summary of success and failure

This is a summary of 6 years of experience building operating and testing small slow sand water filters. There have been a significant number of failures which have been good learning experiences, subsequently resulting in astounding successes. The failures are … Continue reading

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